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I decided to fill up my tank tonight before Friday, because Odin only knows how much gas will cost by then. I figured it all out. Labor Day is coming up and the oil companies decided to rape us a little early. Someone actually tried to tell me that the price went up because of the hurricane.
Um, excuse me? The hurricane hit the southeast, not California! There are no oil tankers or refineries in Florida or anywhere the hurricane hit. All that shit is in California. Am I just totally stupid or horrifingly mis-informed? Gas prices went up because of the hurricane.....yeah, and I moonlight as a porn star.
You know, at least the receipt could say "I'm sorry" or even "Thanks for taking it in the shorts at the pump" but, no. Just a whopping $43 bill that is double what it was not that long ago. Christ, I can remember when gas was under $1.
I also heard from a co-worker that the government is considering charging an extra tax on hybrid cars. WTF??? I had to slam this one down immediately. If we purchase a hybrid car, we get a tax break, there is no fucking way in hell that this would be completely reversed. That is insanity and grounds for a revolution. Of course, I couldn't say it quite that way to a co-worker, but I had to tell her that her source was high on crack.
Sometimes, I get this tinge in the back of my brain that tells me I am beginning to sound just like my father. That almost makes suicide justifiable. But, then you don't know my father....
Thank gawd....