Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Another One Bites the Dust

Had another band practice tonight. It all started out well enough, but then the bassist informed the drummer and I that he was asked to join another band. Since we have been struggling to find another guitarist or keyboardist, or just someone who can sing, the bassist has been a little jaded.

So, since I won't be available for the next two weeks (I go on vacation this Friday through the 11th), I guess he just decided to jump ship. Yeah, I never had high hopes, but this just figures.

I have also been trying to get together with a couple of other guys for over a year, but they just can't seem to get their acts together enough to dedicate any amount of time to it.

The longer I participate in the musical arena, the more musicians I find that must be related to Kellogg's. Tony the Tiger has fewer flakes in his stash than the people I keep running into. Of course, then I have to wonder, "Am I equally as flakey to these people???" Holy stinging jellyfish, Batman, I hope not.

Yeah, we all have our quirks, even people that aren't artistic in any fashion, but I swear, musicians are the fucking worst.

Well, at least I have re-built my studio machine again, so I can start my woodshedding projects once more. Maybe I'll actually start writing music again. Seems like that gets harder with the years. There was a point in time where I just wrote about what was going on in my life: love, social issues, personal growth, etc. But, now, I don't think I can actually write about how much it pisses me off that I pay more in fees than my 401K pays me in interest. I just don't think that anyone else would find that interesting.

Maybe I could write about the problems I have with not having enough RAM. Or how about how I can only fit 92 MP3s on one CD? No, wait, I've got it: I will write a song about how I can't think of anything to write in my blog. That's the ticket.


Blogger Just Me said...

my daughter is pretty damn good on the pots and pans...you can borrow her

2:30 PM  

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