C'est la Vie
This may be my last post for a while. The mere fact that I am making a post instead of packing for the horrendous move I have to make says a lot regarding my ambition - as does the content of this post.
This weekend was to be my farewell soiree for a few of my friends. Well, very few of them showed up, so I can rest assured of who my friends really are. On a much brighter note, the local watering hole where I occaisionally hang at has a house band that have become good friends of mine in a relatively short amount of time. I was given an offer to get up on stage and perform "Rock Candy" by Montrose with them.

This truned out to be a 2-night event, one in street clothes, and the second in costume for the bar's Halloween party.

I haven't "graced" a stage with my presence for about 15 years. Needless to say, my stage fright was peaking at an all-time high. Fortunately, it was in a bar and I was able to lubricate my nerves enough to keep me from having a coronary in front of several hundred people.

We never rehearsed the song together. The band never played the song before. They simply gave each other CDs with the song to learn on their own, and we got up together and blasted away. It was very interesting and one of the most enjoyable times of my life.
I want to thank Mike for stepping in to sing the song:

Dude, you did an awesome job!
I want to thank Dio for pounding the bass home with an all-to-familar thud.

Dio, you rock my all-too-caucasian, latin friend.
Thank you Gerry, for having such a big heart and letting me use your rig onstage.

To think of all the fun we could have been having had we gotten to know each other sooner. Thanks, also for singing "Sedated" with me. I hope you liked jamming on my axes...looks like you did!
Thank you, Dave, for playing "I Wanna Be Sedated" faster than the Ramones did.

It was certainly a challenge to keep up with you.
The Gerry Goodman Band is one of the finest, funnest group of guys I have ever had the pleasure to hang with, both on and off stage. If only we had more time to do a lot more crazy shit with each other, I am sure we would have put our livers in intensive care, but we would also have put our hearts to the test for the thing we love most: music. I will sorely miss you guys.
This weekend was to be my farewell soiree for a few of my friends. Well, very few of them showed up, so I can rest assured of who my friends really are. On a much brighter note, the local watering hole where I occaisionally hang at has a house band that have become good friends of mine in a relatively short amount of time. I was given an offer to get up on stage and perform "Rock Candy" by Montrose with them.

This truned out to be a 2-night event, one in street clothes, and the second in costume for the bar's Halloween party.

I haven't "graced" a stage with my presence for about 15 years. Needless to say, my stage fright was peaking at an all-time high. Fortunately, it was in a bar and I was able to lubricate my nerves enough to keep me from having a coronary in front of several hundred people.

We never rehearsed the song together. The band never played the song before. They simply gave each other CDs with the song to learn on their own, and we got up together and blasted away. It was very interesting and one of the most enjoyable times of my life.
I want to thank Mike for stepping in to sing the song:

Dude, you did an awesome job!
I want to thank Dio for pounding the bass home with an all-to-familar thud.

Dio, you rock my all-too-caucasian, latin friend.
Thank you Gerry, for having such a big heart and letting me use your rig onstage.

To think of all the fun we could have been having had we gotten to know each other sooner. Thanks, also for singing "Sedated" with me. I hope you liked jamming on my axes...looks like you did!
Thank you, Dave, for playing "I Wanna Be Sedated" faster than the Ramones did.

It was certainly a challenge to keep up with you.
The Gerry Goodman Band is one of the finest, funnest group of guys I have ever had the pleasure to hang with, both on and off stage. If only we had more time to do a lot more crazy shit with each other, I am sure we would have put our livers in intensive care, but we would also have put our hearts to the test for the thing we love most: music. I will sorely miss you guys.