Monday, October 03, 2005

Home Again

Thank (insert favorite deity name here) that I made it home in one piece. Vegas has doubled in size and quadrupled in insanity in the 4 years since I lived there. I will gladly accept the stupid drivers I deal with here versus the maniacal road terrorists I had to deal with in Sin City. They couldn't pay me enough to live there again. Well, yeah, they probably could. I am such a whore. But not really.

My trip home was fairly uneventful. For those of you that have never driven in to Vegas from the East, there is a part on the border of Nevada and Arizona known as the Virgin River Gorge. Very interesting driving, but nothing I can't handle. There are "roads" I have been on around where I live that would make anyone question if the "road" actually existed. But I digress....

A friend of mine gave me a CD of Dave Attell. I decided it would be a good idea to listen to the comedian after I left Mesquite and headed in to the Gorge. I am quite certain that I have marked some people for life. I can't imagine what other drivers thought as they drove uphill, twisting their vehicles left and right, wondering what insane bastard actually thought this narrow, rocky canyon was a good place for a major highway - only to look over at some guy laughing his ass off and barely keeping his eyes on the road and his hands on the wheel. Yes, I am sure I scared the shit out of a lot of people. I didn't stop laughing until I reached Cedar City. Get an atlas, check it out.

But, there is no humor in Utah. None. The entire state is devoid of fun, humor, and good taste. After all, this is the home of Donnie and Marie. Without drawing further attention to myself following the Attell CD, I scurried out of the state as quick as possible. If I have offended anyone from Utah, I am sure I won't be the last to do so.

Now that I am back in my own breathing space, I am slowly settling back into my normal routine. But, I won't be able to sit still for too long, I have to go to MI this weekend for my second interview.

I have been dealing with a lot of inner turmoil over this issue in the last few days. Several hours of driving alone can do strange things to you. When the music and comedy runs out, there's nothing left but the evil voices in your head. Regardless, I still feel I am on the right track. After all, money can't buy happiness, but it sure can buy a shitload of prescription drugs that can make you not give a damn.


Blogger Unknown said...

And where would we be without prescription drugs?

5:09 AM  
Blogger Gern said...

Precisely what I did, Captain KJ - as fast as I fucking could.

12:16 AM  

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