Season Finale

Regardless of my recent back pain, I spent the weekend on a final camping trip. Typically I refrain from using established campsites because I go to the mountains to get away from people, not camp next to them and their stereos, generators, and screaming children. However, this trip was spent in a fairly uncrowded campground. It happened to be located next to my most fruitful fishing lake, so it had its purpose.
Saturday, the fishing was just a tease. I got cleaned every time I cast my line into the water, but never hooked a single trout. Sunday, I couldn't stop bringing them to shore. I spent 7 hours fishing Saturday and only 3.5 on Sunday. Go figure.
Of course, going back to work today sucked. I was slammed with emergency requests one right after the other. To top all that off, it was my turn to prepare for another cellmates birthday tomorrow. This meant I had to stay late to decorate a cubicle. Not my idea of fun, but someone else did it for me a couple of weeks ago, so I was obligated.
When I finally got home, I had to bake (yes bake) the celebratory offering. I planned to make my infamous Oreo cheesecake. Unfortunately, I lost my recipe. Hey, no problem, I'll just look it up on the 'net. Yep, several versions found. I snagged the "official" recipe from the Kraft site and began my work.
Ok, when it comes to cooking, there are many times I like shortcuts. Cheesecake is one of those times. I usually buy the prepared graham cracker crusts and just fill them with the appropriate mixture and bake away. I did this tonight. Unfortunately, the batter I prepared was more than enough for 4 cheesecakes. I should have looked at the recipe a little more closely....
So, I filled 2 pre-made crusts, baked those, and then made a third crust from scratch and baked a third Oreo cheesecake. I like the stuff, but not that much. I am already nauseated from looking at the batter, and I can't even fathom eating that crap tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, etc. I mean, I like chocolate in small doses, but this is overkill.
Oh yeah, I have to attempt to get up earlier tomorrow, too, so I can get the cakes (yes, cakes) to work and in the fridge and finish passing around the birthday card for others to sign. I am already so exhausted I could just puke.
That pretty much sums up the end of summer for me. My second favorite season come to a close and all I have to show for it is 3 fucking Oreo cheesecakes that I don't even have an appetite for.
I think I'll take a muscle relaxor and call it a night.
Oreo cheesecakes? If you are that stressed, you could try the yoga the doctor prescribed, although I believe the fishing is probably better for you. I haven't been camping in years, and have never camped and fished on my own. A novel idea, I may have to steal that from you.
You mean this isn't a private conversation? I'm shocked to find that there is gambling in this establishment! We may have to figure something out.
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