Rock & Roll Weekend

Sammy Hagar wrote a song called "Rock And Roll Weekend" many many moons ago. Unfortunately, none of his lyrics apply to the weekend I had, but the title seemed appropriate.
So, there was this "major" concert event. For where I live, it definitely was major. For other, real cities across our nation, it probably wouldn't be given such high regard, but here it was a very big deal.
In all honesty, it was a pretty big deal for myself. Friday's venue included Loverboy, Cheap Trick, and Alice Cooper. I remembered all of Loverboy's and Cheap Trick's songs, and screamed along with each one of them. I knew most of Alice Cooper's material, but not well enough to shred my vocal chords along with him. Friday was a rare occurance for myself. I rarely partake in alcoholic beverages, but I blew $100 in concert trimmings and drank myself into a stupor. Fortunately, I am smart enough to know what my limits are, and actually remember the entire evening - even the evil thoughts I had about several young, scantilly clad females.
Cheap Trick had some technical difficulties and Robin Zander made it very apparent that he wasn't pleased. He walked off the stage twice before they ended their all-too-short set. That was a bit of a letdown to me, but I still enjoyed every beat of their list.
Alice played the longest of all - and loudest. He pulled out every trick he used to have - the boa, the guillotine, costume changes between every other song. He kicked some serious rock ass. Fortunately, I had a designated driver, and I made it home safely.
Saturday was sort of a whim. Initially, I did not have a ticket for both days, but I was able to score a free ticket for Saturday's show. I missed Edgar Winter (wasn't disappointed), but did make it in time for Little River Band, Uncle Kracker, Foreigner, and Styx. Originally Lynard Skynard was supposed to perform last, but Styx replaced them at the last minute.
I have to admit that LRB surprised me. They are not my style at all, but they performed very well and had a fantastic stage presence - very laid back.
Uncle Kracker also impressed me. Again, not my style but they were so damn cool on stage, you couldn't help but like them.
Foreigner was a tremendous surprise. Only Mick Jones is the remaining original member, but the rest of the replacements made up for where original band members left off. They truly rocked their asses off and played every Foreigner tune I liked. Can't beat that.
Now I am sure I will receive several hate comments for this, but I have never been a Styx fan. I don't know why, but their music just never tripped my trigger. I can appreciate the talent, no doubt there, but the sound just never appealed to me. Regardless, these guys really put the final touch on Saturday's show. Even though they couldn't play everyone else's favorite Styx song, they still managed to squeeze out a barage of memories. They were definitely a class act.
Out of all, though, I think I was the most impressed with the audience. Every age category was represented, as well as many different "handicaps." It was more like going to a carnival than to a concert. I saw toddlers, teens, 20-somethings, 30-, 40-, 50-somethings and octogenerians. Strange brew...
Of course, all the food and beverages were insanely overpriced. I am just glad I remained sober Saturday - I don't think my bank account could have handled another day and night of debauchery.
I was reminded of something Friday. No matter how smashed you are (or sober), there just isn't any way you can look at a female you are talking with and tell her how much you would like to have her sit on your face. It just doesn't happen - well, not without a grand slam to the chops. Fortunately for me, I didn't have to be reminded with a slap - common sense kicked in.
Yeah.....long live rock and roll....
Never a Styx fan? How can that be?
I'm sure they're not really responsible for unleashing Mr. Roboto on the world... it was all a mistake... they were possessed by demons.. someone was holding their first born children hostage.
What else could explain such evil?
It's like I said, their music just never "did it" for me. I still appreciate their talent, I just don't go out and deliberately buy their music. But I DID just buy a new Motorhead album.
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