Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Signs 'O the Times

I've held back long enough. Something has been bothering me for far too long. Everywhere I go people are exercising their First Amendment rights to the point of total irritation. It's bad enough that I have to look at people that decide to "express themselves" with assorted body piercings (some of which not only completely gross me out, but instill tremendous empathy pain), tattoos on the neck, forehead, and other highly visible places, and modes of dress that make it impossible to distinguish them from the homeless.

But now, I also have to deal with the assorted bumper stickers, emblems, window-tint phrases, magnets, and ribbons broadcasting personal opinions and beliefs from one of the highway to my next-door neighbor's driveway. I don't mind having something to read while driving, but can't we make it informative, entertaining, or simply not annoying???

One of my least favorite has to be the ongoing war between Christians and Darwinians. Geez, I thought this quarrel was silenced during the Monkey Trials near the beginning of the 20th Century. Obviously not. Having one Jesus fish on a car is bad enough. But, now, we have Darwin fish! Not only that, but you can get a whole fucking school of Jesus fish. And, AND I have even seen a Jesus fish named "Truth" eating a Darwin fish! Wow! I wonder what the Prince of Peace would think of that some 2000 years later!

And whose idea was it for churches to have catchy phrases on their marquees??? "The best vitamin for Christians: B1." "Read the bible, prevent truth decay." You know, if my belief system needed advertising and catchy phrases to keep me interested, I would be checking into something else. Besides, my personal voice of "truth" once said, "Truth often resides in the mind of its beholder."

Another of my personal "faves" was the (now not so popular) "Baby on Board" signs plastered in the back windows of mini-vans. George Carlin already covered this subject once, but it's worth repeating: "I have to adjust my driving habits because you decided to procreate?" I don't think so.

In light of all this saturation of personal messages, I decided on my own. A few years ago I was looking at all those white, oval stickers that indicate a foreign country. I'm sure you have seen them: UK for England, F for France, DE for Germany, etc. Well, I found one that says it all for me and now it is proudly mounted on my rear bumper: BFD


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