Sin City Part Deux

The Monte Carlo sucks. I repeat: The Monte Carlo Sucks. No coffee pot in the room. $10.99 per day to be on the internet. My cel phone has shit service. I was in the buffet having dinner - which is so lame to eat in the buffet alone for dinner, but I digress - and I got up for the second round of food (you can't go to a buffet and only make one pass, that's got to be a rule somewhere). While I am piling my plate full of crap surely to make me ill later on, my cel beeps to inform me that I have a new voice mail. WTF? Voice mail? The damn thing didn't even ring.
Sure enough, I sat down at my lonely table, and I had no service. 30 feet of distance and no service. I swear, they must put lead sheilding in some of the walls to keep people from using their cel phones. Deity forbid that anyone might make or receive a call that could interrupt their gambling for 5 minutes.
So, in my room, if I lean a chair against the window and sit in it, I may get uninterrupted cel service if I don't move a muscle. Otherwise, I only hear about 1/3 of the conversation. The rest is silence.
The good old days of free stuff and cheap food are so long gone, it isn't funny. There is no way in hell this room is worth over $100 per night, but I know that is what they are charging my company. For $100 a night, I should at least get a hand job from the cleaning staff.
But, see, I don't gamble - not in a casino anyway. Sure I gamble with gas prices from station to station. I gamble that the fish I buy at the grocery store won't give me food poisoning. But I don't gamble at the tables or machines in a casino. Not any more.
Think about it...A slot machine is like a giant piggy bank with all kinds of multimedia distractions. You keep putting your change in, and nothing comes out! Wow! Now, if only these things paid you back with compound interest, we'd all have it made. So, all electronic gambling machines are just different variations on a theme of piggy banks. Oh, sure, once in a while they get a little "full" and spit out a few coins or tokens to give you the faintest glimmer of hope. But, in the end, your pocket (or bucket) is dry and the machine won't even provide a satisfactory belch.
Now the tables.....that's real gambling. Taking chances on cards or dice. Man, that's not skill, that's just blind luck. I even saw a couple of drunks betting each other who could cross the street without getting hit by a cabbie. There's a bet I want to be in on.
But, hey, I am just one person in 10 brazillion who see casinos in this light. I guess some people just enjoy throwing their money away. Wish I could afford to do that (and not feel bad about it later).
So, yeah, I'm not really enjoying myself. I know this is supposed to be for work and all, but it's not like my off time is supposed to be dedicated to work as well.
So, what do I do? Blog.