Scenic By-Way to Limbo

I moved from Grand Junction, CO, to go camping in Grand Junction, MI. What the hell is up with that? I could slice through the irony with a dull butter knife slicker than a fresh phlegm in a blender.
I think I just grossed myself out.
It must be that time of year/life when the motivation to blog evaporates into thin air. I use the excuse that I have nothing to write about. Sure I have something to write about. I just don't want to write about it.
After 11 days of hell, I am finally getting over a summer flu bug. Of course, the congestion in my left ear is still there, and the antihistimines my doctor prescribed aren't working on that, but, for the most part, I feel a shitload better.
Add to that, I sliced across the top of my left index finger last week. Not deliberately, mind you, but the accident cost me 5 stitches that are to be removed today. It's like my health took a sharp nosedive for a 14-day period. Oh, yeah, couple that with the worst sunburn I have had in over 15 years, and I feel like a health-conscious idiot.
So, it's like a Friday before what should be a 4-day weekend. The whole workplace is like a morgue. I am contemplating sneaking out the door at noon and not returning until Wednesday.
So, therein lies the plan for a miniature camping trip. For years, I have been spoiled with the glorious open spaces of the West. I could simply drive myself into the mountains, search for a secluded spot, pitch my tent and gear, and load up on Nature's bounty for as long as I wanted or could afford. Now I have to adjust to campgrounds. Campgrounds suck. No privacy. No true natural wonder. Fortunately, though, I was able to find a rather remote location not too far from where I live. Granted, it is still a campground, but it is unlike any other I have ever visited. No, it won't be like what I have become accustomed to in the West, but I do believe it is the closest thing I can find within several hundred miles.
So, I am remaining a little reserved by only going for 2 nights. I figure I can determine if I can live with this form of adventure within that time period and decide if I want to do it again. Plus, it gives me the opportunity to return to "civilization" in order to partake in traditional July 4 festivities. The local communities here shoot their fireworks over Lake Michigan. If you position yourself correctly on a beach, you can look up and down the coast and catch pyrotechnical displays from several small towns at the same time. Not too shabby.
I have to admit I have discovered many benifits to my move here, despite the losses of my former lifestyle. It's all a series of trade-offs, and, so far, I don't really have too many complaints. The days are much cooler here, and the nights are out-fucking-standing. Spring (my favorite season) lasts a lot longer. Winter was relatively mild, despite the colder temperatures. The humidity is a lot less than one would think. My house and town I live in are quiet and peaceful. Well...until I fire up the jet engine in my basement and soar to new heights of deafening decibels of musical torture.
The job, on the other hand, leaves some things to be desired. In one day, I lost my direct supervisor and my mentor. So, it's pretty much "sink or swim" time for me. In fact, today, I am completely alone in my office. I seriously doubt anyone would notice if I just left. But, the future, while uncertain - as always, could pose some very interesting possibilities. I just have to decide for myself if I want to wade through all the muck to see if there is good, solid ground on the other side.
Almost noon now....think I will quit while I feel like I am ahead.